How long do I need to wear my retainers for?

After orthodontic treatment, the biggest question is “how long do I need to wear my retainers for?” Often patients have undergone lengthy orthodontic treatment, either fixed braces or clear aligners (Invisalign) and the idea of another orthodontic commitment can be quite gruelling. In short, you must wear your retainers for as long as you want your teeth to stay straight.


Braces and Clear aligners apply a constant gentle force to your teeth to move them into the desired position over time. Once that constant force is removed, your teeth naturally want to move back to their original position. Retainers act to counteract the natural forces at play and keep your teeth straight.

 Retainer wearing protocol

Your orthodontist or clear aligner dentist will give you a specific retainer protocol to follow. Generally, it Is advised to wear your retainers for a minimum of 12 hours for the first 3-6 months and then after a level of stability is achieved, you can go to nighttime wear only.

 Protect your retainers with Sereclean ®

As retainers are a lifetime commitment, it is important to look after them and get the most out of them before having to get a new pair. We advise daily cleaning in a Sereclean® Pod with a Sereclean® Tablet to preserve the integrity of the plastic and to keep the retainers as hygienic as possible.



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